Despite election promises saying a new administration would “fix the finances” the Liberal Democrats have tonight passed a budget cutting services and which shows the council running out of money in 5 years time. At the Vale of White Horse District Council meeting this evening, the Conservative Group and its Leader Cllr Simon Howell stood up for residents against the budget, which will cut services such as planning enforcement, environmental health inspections and The New Homes Bonus Grant Scheme plus raise costs of things such as brown bins by around 10% and increase council tax by the maximum amount.
“In May 2018 Conservatives had left £19m in reserves, and while our MTFP (Medium Term Financial Plan) showed a 5th year deficit, we had a plan to ensure our council stayed solvent in the long term to deliver the services residents deserve.
Yet since taking control of the budget to “fix the finances”, the current administration instead wants to make cuts of just over £500,000 to key services, not solving the problem and making the situation worse. Looking ahead each year going forward shows that budget expenditure is greater than income and that’s after key services are cut! After 5 years the current administration will lead the council over the cliff edge.
12 months ago Cllr Andrew Crawford asked the then leader Cllr Cox the following:
“Given the parlous state of the financial position the current administration has created at the Vale why should the electorate have any faith that it can deliver anything but more financial mismanagement and misery in the future?”
Considering residents were promised by the Liberal Democrats to “fix the finances” this budget confirms that the Lib Dems are doing nothing short of betraying the voters faith by making the financial situation worse and cutting key services. This administration certainly doesn’t have residents’ best interest at heart, and as Conservatives, we will continue to stand up for residents against this appalling financial mismanagement which would drive the Vale (of white horse) to bankruptcy.
“No household that knows their spending is greater than income would set a budget to make it worse, why does this administration feel you can do this with taxpayers money.”