I would like to invite you to an engaging Policy Forum meeting on Wednesday 19th October at the Plough at 38 in Cornmarket Street at 7.30pm. We will be sitting upstairs by the window.
The current briefing is an important one, namely "Ideas for the Next Manifesto". I am attaching the briefing in full, and the questions for discussion below:
1. What length do you think the Party's next manifesto should aim to be?
2. How might we "join up core values, big issues and leadership, using policies as an illustration of these forces" to produce a manifesto that inspires voters?
3. What do you think the major overarching or organising themes (chapters or sections) of the next manifesto should be?
4. What short phrase (3-6 words) do you think should capture the overall message of the next manifesto?
5. What key areas of legislation would you pledge to (i) withdraw, (ii) revise or (iii) introduce?
6. Is there any other observation you would like to make?
I hope to see you there! Please email me on inga.nicholas@gmail.com to let me know if you're attending.